Warmahordes Profiles Redux: THE GREAT BEARS OF GALLOWSWOOD
Kell Bailoch is the best sniper in the iron kingdoms. and he has a new job: killing a kossite at the behest of a young kayazy princess.
In this part, we look at the discovery of cyriss and the early days of the cult.
the first part at the history of the newest faction in warmachine.
A little side project of mine. A intro video for my eventual redux of my “history of western immoren” series.
Baldur died but came back, changed and more powerful than ever.
back from hurricane harvey clean up. and we return with a look at one of the nicer members of the circle.
let’s wrap up our profile on the circle with a look at the various troops that follow the blackclads into battle.
let’s take a look at the various types of warbeasts that the circle brings to bear.