Hey there my Toonami Generation and welcome to another episode of Tom’s Prerogative. On this episode, I take a break from the usual review format for a conversation on one of the greatest cartoon studio that ever live and would not have Toonami if it didn’t exsist. Hanna-Barbara. For such a conversation, I ask my good friends Random and Lucid Dream to join me. This episode is basically simple. Me and the guys go over Hanna-Barbara’s history and gush over our favorite Hanna-Barbara cartoons. Hopefully our enthusiasm will lead you the listener to discovering more about Hanna-Barbara!
Bit of a warning, Even with me censoring out curse words and the like, it still get a bit explicit in some places with some crude jokes. Remember to leave comments on the post or by email at absolution132@yahoo.com. You can also follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/Matisleonhart and follow the new Absolution Network Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Absolution-Network/298640626851507?sk=wall Till next time Toonami faithful, Stay Golden!
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All song use in this podcast are used as part of fair use and are owned by there respective owners.
“Toonami Back Bitches – Richie Branson