Hey there my Toonami generation and welcome to another episode of Tom’s Prerogative! Sorry once again for the tardiness, but September was a cruel mistress when it came to my schedule. On this episode, we celebrate the Blue-ray/DVD release of one of the greatest superhero movie ever “The Avengers” with a review of the first season of the excellent Avengers animated series that started just a couple years ago. Avengers Earth Mightiest Heroes! Listen in to learn why this is one of the best Marvel animated series that you will find.
Remember to leave comments on the post or by email at absolution132@yahoo.com. You can also follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/Matisleonhart and follow the new Absolution Network Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Absolution-Network/298640626851507?sk=wall Till next time Toonami faithful, Stay Golden!
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“Toonami Back Bitches – Richie Branson