Hello, and welcome to when our show became derailed! This is the second half of the show where me and Roundpeg just talk about whatever is on our minds involving anime and the such. FYI we talk about “Katawa Shoujo”, a dating sim we talked about a couple episodes back. A game that was conceived by a Japanese doujin creator and later released by westerners. The Japanese didn’t receive it well, as we covered in the past but go more into here. We also accidentally review two more shows as well. Enjoy this episode that really seems to love our regular audience. LOL
| Download | Duration: 00:31:00
OP Song: PokeRap
Background Music: Miku Hatsune Live (cause Roundpeg luvs it 🙂
Itunes Feed: itunes.apple.com/fr/podcast/theotakumomentum.info/id391248338
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