Roundpeg shows up again to pimp his book on Kindle. We pimp ourselves for a good long while
and Waznotta pimps himself out as always! Also, we talk about romantic stuff like sex toys and
Japans issues with reproducing. Followed by a mad entertainment rep. and how Hulu is awesome now.
Finally we Wrap it all up with a review on the “Black Rock Shooter TV: animation.
Also, to all our listeners who use iphones and Androids to hear us, listen to us without having to DL
another episode for free by using Stitcher and give us some sweet internet cash!
OP Youtube Clip: Sailorman the Sqeakquel
OP Song: Sweet Chii of Mine by: nakinyko
Background Music: The Anime Orchestra V2
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| Download | Duration: 00:59:39