Hey there both my Toonami generation and my comic book crazy fans. This is a special Comic Book Crazy/ Absolution Network collaboration, as we present the Wizard World Philadelphia 2012 Con Report. Yes, last weekend I attended Wizard World Philadelphia 2012 where I attended many panel, saw many celebrity, and saw a great many cosplay! So first, I give you a rundown of the event I attended at the convention. Then I give you the my “Pros” and “Cons” of the convention. Then I play several interview I conducted at the convention. A bit of a warning as there are several places in the audio where it get loud so I thought I just warn you. All this and more in the Wizard World Philadelphia 2012 Con Report!
Remember to leave comments on the post or by email at absolution132@yahoo.com. You can also follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/Matisleonhart and follow the new Absolution Network Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Absolution-Network/298640626851507?sk=wall Till next time Toonami faithful, Stay Golden!
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