Hello! In this show we talk about how idols can never get laid.
How to make an origonal concept into a cookie cutter harem show,
and how being delusional can make you a hero!
How to make an origonal concept into a cookie cutter harem show,
and how being delusional can make you a hero!
OP Youtube Clip: Yoooooo! by: Nico Nico Douga
OP Song: Odds and Ends by Supercell (vocaloid)
Background Music: Sugarless II by: Suga Shikao
Neokage’s new blog: neokagestenticlecabana.blogspot.com/
Go to: Stitcher.com/OTAKUMOMENTUM and enter
OTAKUMOMENTUM under promo code to support the
show!And get our show streamed to you for free,
and maybe make 100 bucks doing it!
Itunes Feed: itunes.apple.com/fr/podcast/theotakumomentum.info/id391248338
RSS Feed: theotakumomentum.info/podcasts-only/rss2.aspx
| Download | Duration: 01:15:02
BTW NEOKAGE. nadori is funny
I have my moments 😉