Hey there my Toonami generation and welcome to another episode of Tom’s Prerogative! On this episode we continue “Ecchi Month” with a look at an American animation presented by Stan the Man him self, “Stripperella”! Yes the infamous cartoon that was part of Spike TV 2003 animation block finally get a review! So is this show so bad it awful, or is it so bad it good? You will just have to tune in to find out.
Bit of a warning for you, because of the nature of the show being review there is alot of talk about the sexual jokes of the show that some people may find offensive. Also, to try and match the campiness of the show, I decided to leave the show unedited to capture the craziness of talking about the show so there are a few curse word said and a lot of silent moment. for these reason, this show has been labeled explicit.
Remember to leave comments on the post or by email at absolution132@yahoo.com. You can also follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/Matisleonhart and follow the new Absolution Network Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Absolution-Network/298640626851507?sk=wall Till next time Toonami faithful, Stay Golden!
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All song use in this podcast are used as part of fair use and are owned by there respective owners.
“Toonami Back Bitches – Richie Branson
“Stripperella TV Theme” – Kid Rock