Hello and welcome to our 100th episode! We are blessed by the presence of
one Kyle Hebert! The man, myth, and legend is awesome enough to put up with
our bullshit and sit in for an interview and the results are chock full of awesome.
The recording took place on October 1st so it’s a tad dated but still check out
Wreck-It Ralph in theaters now and listen for Mr. Hebert and go to stickam/kylehebert
congratulate him!
Youtube Clip: Ryu English Sound Bites
Ending Youtube Clip: Wreck-It Ralph Trailer
Go to: Stitcher.com/OTAKUMOMENTUM and enter
OTAKUMOMENTUM under promo code to support the
show!And get our show streamed to you for free,
and maybe make 100 bucks doing it!
Itunes Feed: itunes.apple.com/fr/podcast/theotakumomentum.info/id391248338
RSS Feed: http://theotakumomentum.info/podcasts-only/rss2.aspx
The blog is being resurrected: http://theotakumomentum.blogspot.com/
| Download | Duration: 00:55:48