Hey there my Toonami generation and welcome to the last day of AnimeNEXT 2013 cosplay photo! Feature in these photo are cosplay from Wreak It Ralph, Sword Art Online, Fairy Tail, and more! So enjoy the last day of AnimeNEXT 2013 Cosplay Photos
- Fighting evil by moonlight is the Sailor Moon way
- The serch for souls is on for these lovely ladies
- He Turbo Terrific!!!
- Beware the Assaisin, deadly as they are silent
- No body is better at posing then Gueston
- Korra show why she is a water bending master
- It all heart for this cosplayer
- This kitsune has grace us with her prences he at AnimeNEXT
- If you look very carefully, you see a cosplayer in our mist. can you find the clue
- What badder then on Sasuke, Two Sasuke!
- Master here teach us the proper way to show respect to all cosplays
- Yet another sailor scout part!
- More Yoko goodniess
- Lulu prove why she the master Black Mage of the Final Fantasy 10 crew
- All hail the Foot!!!
- Maki is ready for any evil suls she may find
- This happy Sora must of just heard that Kingdom Hearts 3 has finally been announced
- Representing the FMA crew is Lust and Envy
- It Adventure Time and I don’t know why
- Saya is ready for any zombie attack
- A new Champion has arrived
- Help, I’m being attack by a ninja! A Ninja! Call the Cops
- It Moon Knight, the best Marvel character you never heard of
- Vanille here enjoy the sights and sound of AnimeNEXT
- Sailor Mars is ready to burn away injustice
- Princess Zelda is looking for her link. Unfortantely he in another castle
- This Kitsune Samurai show off his swordmanship
- Metroid soilders are ready to face any attack from mother brain
- Captin Kirk, it only a AnimeNEXT, it can only go so far to resuract your carrer Jim!
- So Duke, how did that last game go?
- I can Fix It!
- Are you ready for Durararara
- Chronos say let do the Time Warp again
- The Fairy Tail crew is ready for adventure
- Naruto and Hinata has seem to fine a new pet
- Marty you gone to far! it 2013!
- He gonna wreak it and she gonna wreak it more!
- This couple want to remind you that Sword Art Online start in two weeks only on Toonami
- It Euphima from Code Geass look as beautiful as ever
- What was that! I thought I heard a noise
- It more Sword Art Online
- Is she a witch or a cute kitty
- It Vanellope and King Candy wanting you to have some candy!
- oh my god! somebody hit the bullet time button
- Introducing the newest character to join the Mario Cart!
- It Assasining time!
- It Zack to the rescue
- Chun-Li want to know how you like her new color sceme
- Yet more Yoko Goodniess
- Are you ready for a Giant Killings?
- It Macho Man Randy Savage and he ready to snap into a slim jim
- Ryu is ready for the next DOA tournament
- Saya here so she was smart enough to advoid the zombie horde and make it to AnimeNEXT
- It Zelda vs. Zelda in this Smash Bros. preview
- It Mulan! Now where Mushu
- Linda Danvers a.k.a. Supergirl stop by to vist AnimeNEXT
- Julie Starling has got the perfect cheer to stop the Zombie Horde
- Rouge and Gambit show why so many X-Men fans love them
- And of coarse we finished AnimeNEXT with more Yoko goodniess!
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