Hey there Toonami and welcome to part 2 of day 1 of all the wonderful cosplay that filled AnimeNEXT 2014! It was a so awesome to see all the creativity that filled this years AnimeNEXT. Special Thanks to cosplayers Pixie Belle, Toxic Foxx and Chibi Neko Cosplay for some epically exceptional shot and their time! Trust me, dealing with me can be a pain, just ask Gene and Chris. You can find links to their fackbook pages below and if you see you picture below, let people know where they can find your wonderful cosplay at! So enjoy Part 2 of Day 1! I’ll be back tommorow with Day 2 Part 1!
- We start off with Clark Kent who heard there a convention that needs total destruction
- Now we have Meg who looking for her Hercules
- Master Chief wants you to join the Spartain army!
- Harley Quinn show off her big hammer
- From the Future it Spiderman 2099
- From under the sea it the Little Mermaid Ariel!
- Get your Parka ready, it Anna and Elsa from Frozen
- Not quite dead yet is this Black Knight
- Asuka is ready for AnimeNEXT’s racing theme
- Look out for his chop, it Death on vacation!
- It the entire cast of Frozen enjoying the site of AnimeNEXT
- It Lollypop Chainsaw looking for some zombies in the Dealers room.
- Bunny poises for are camera
- Harley Quinn is always happy when she relaxing with her beau the Joker after a day of destruction
- Even lounging by the pool Tony Stark is so fly!
- Pixie Belle love to show off her Sailor Mars swimsuit
- More of Pixie Belle
- This samuria is ready to go crazy
- Even Lightning finds time to unwind at AnimeNEXT
- Presenting the offical AnimeNEXT Rock Band!
- Ryuko Matoi is at AnimeNEXT looking for some Life Fibers to cut
- stirring in the darkness is Cloud from Final Fantasy 7
- Meister Maka is on the lookout for any lost soul to capture
- Here we have the lovely Cosplayer Toxic Foxx showcasing her version of Posion
- Toxic Foxx’s Posion looks like she ready to whip the AnimeNEXT faithful into shape
- It Toxic Foxx and Chibi Neko Cosplay as Posion and Yoko looking lovely togeather!
- It Kairi from Kingdom Hearts and she looks excited about news of KH3
- it the whole gang from Kuroko’s Basketball ready for some B-Ball action!
- here we have the gang from Puella Magi Madoka Magica ready for action
- Posion Ivy seem shocked that I found here hiding spot
- It classic Black Canary on the lookut for any theives to take down
- It Kairi and Sora enjoying the sites of AnimeNEXT!
- And joining them is there bodyguard Cloud
- This Tetris block is looking for the right fit to her puzzle
- You know you have overstayed your welcome when the con starts sending Shadows to assasinate you!
- It Harley Quinn with her big hammer once again
- This lovely lass is on the lookout for fun at AnimeNEXT
- It Wonder Women! I wonder where she parked her invisable jet
- It Space Dandy having a dandy time with a dandy friend
- It Jasmine here to show that she not just some pretty bird locked in a cage
- We end the day with the awesome pair of Lightning and Tifa!