Hey there all my kaiju do fans, and welcome the first episode in over a year and a half of the renowned Tokyo S.O.S. Podcast! Now you may be wondering why we are starting with episode 35? well that because this episode reintroduces me, you host Thomas Matis, and why I started this podcast all those years ago, along with detailing the rereleases of older episode as I move it from the Tokyo S.O.S. site to here on the Absolution Network. I also look ahead to the Godzilla and kaiju films coming down the pike from both Japanese and American cinema and what I looking forward the most. Remember that you can email us at absolution132@gmail.com a look for us on Facebook. So until next time, RUN! IT’S GODZILLA!!!
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All song use in this podcast are used as part of fair use and are owned by there respective owners.
“Godzilla” – Blue Oyster Cult