Hey there my Toonami generation and welcome to more cosplay pictures from AnimeNEXT 2013. Sorry about how long it taking to get these all out, but with me moving and everything it really been tough getting anything posted. This time we have cosplay from day 2 of AnimeNEXT 2013 featuring many great cosplays from Daft Punk, SAO, Disney, Marvel, Super Sentai, and many more! Also in these picture are great professional cosplayers like Nana and Cosplay Love Pro along with a great pair of cosplayers as Esmeralda and Frollo. So on with the wonderful day 2 of AnimeNEXT 2013 cosplay.
- Casey is up to bat from TMNT
- Hetalia Britian is here to discover AnimeNEXT
- The wasteland can be a dangerous place
- Someone been to the Wizard Yen Sid room.
- Catwomen is on the prowl for her next heist
- I think I ended up in the wrong Wonderland
- Dante is ready to rock and he got just the sword to do it
- No villian gets past the keen eye of Green Arrow here
- Beware, the children of the night
- Welcome to the furry jam, here your chance, do your dance, at the Furry Jam, alright!
- All hail the Pumpkin King!
- Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scout are here to save the day
- Yoko is ready to drill for the heavens
- More of Yoko
- The Joker sit on his throne marvaling at AnimeNEXT
- Let digivolve to the next level
- Rikku from the gullwings is on the hunt for more sphere. Care to help her
- An upcoming scene from Kingdom Hearts 3
- Zack and his buster sword are ready fro Shinra
- It time to “Get Lucky” with Daft Punk
- Alfonso Elric so up to represent the Fullmetal Alchmeist crew
- Quick! Get me a barrel of red turtosie shells. I’m gonna need them!
- An awesome Sword Art Online group photo
- more of the Sword Art Online group
- I swear Gokai Green, I have no rangers keys on me
- It an epic battle between Super Sentai and Kamen Rider
- more from Super Sentai vs. Kamen Rider
- Even more from Super Sentai vs. Kamen Rider
- Frollo is on the hunt for Esmeralda. We’ll check in later on her progress
- Apparently I’m a very popular guy! Damn my good looks
- Famous cosplay Cosplay Love Pro show us Posion’s posion
- More of Cosplay Love Pro Posion cosplay
- Sareh is serching fro her sister, care to help her?
- She not bad, just drawn that way
- Hush! there a new Batman villian afoot
- Best in the World!!!!
- Inuyasha confort Kikyo as he promise to help get the shikon jewel back
- Cammy is ready to lay the smackdown on somebody
- cute bunny like this seem to be all the rage in anime
- Teen Titan thief X is ready to make out with some loot. quick, someone call Robin
- The Attack of the Titans crew here is ready to protect AnimeNEXT from any Titan attack
- It Bane and Posion Ivy. Quick, someone get my Bat Credit Card!
- Oh Good! The Maiden of Steel Supergirl has arrived to put a stop to those villians
- Cheerleader Becky has arrive to AnimeNEXT for some zombie slaying action
- Number 1 from Bleach show why he king
- It ladies of Final Fantasy, in style
- Famous cosplay Nana Valtiel show us how badass the borderlands can be!
- Don’t worry citizens, it Batman and Robin!
- E. Honda show us why he a threat to win the next Street Fighter Tournament
- Black Widow is here and she armed and dangerous
- Have a problem, the Getbackers are here to help!
- Zantanna show us how well she has Superman under her control
- This picture should be about these awesome HTTYD Cosplay, but that cute little girl just steals the show.
- Yet another Morrigan show up to seduce the crowds of AnimeNEXT with her beauty
- Met this wonderful cosplay on the way to one of my panels
- This may be the most awesome picture in the world!
- Kiki take a moment with us as she just got done with a delivery
- The next Marvel Team Up. Deadpool and the Amazing Spiderman
- This group from Gurren Laggan is ready to drill for the heavens
- Kinshin here show off his reverse blade technique
- Lucy here is on the hunt for more Celestrial Keys
- It a Sailor Scout party
- It Wizard Mickey here to show off his Disney Magic
- It Wizard Mickey with two of his star Princess Rapanzul and Ariel
- More of Rapanzuel and Ariel
- The nothing meloncholy about these bunny girls
- Yet another Yoko show up to show off her gun
- It Strawberry Shortcake party time!
- Deathstroke is here looking for some Titans. No the DC kind
- Gear up! It Gearsof War!!
- This Yoko is ready to kick some booty straight to the heavens
- Another Posion step up to whip up so new recruits for her gang
- It are Cutey Honey darking from are AnimeNEXT 2013 video showing off her moves
- More of the wonderful Cutey Honey cosplay
- Harly Quinn here is determine to keep her puddin around by any means possible
- It Daft Punk “One More Time”!
- Who you gonna call? This guy!
- The Fairy Tales crew is on the lookout for bad magic
- These lolita are the belles of the ball
- Lock your safes, Sly Cooper is here!
- It looks like are Frollo has found her Esmeralda
- More of Frollo and Esmeralda
- Time for Frollo creepy dance watching time
- Esmeralda get rid of Frollo to hog the spotlight. Big thanks to these cosplayer for allowing me in on there shoot. They were awesome
- quick get a lollipop, it Mizore of Rosario Vampire
- This Jade show why she is “Flawless”
- An awesome night shot of two Sword Art Online cosplayers
- Sailor Mercury and Jupiter are here to defend the earth from te evil megaverse
- Youichi from Bleach show off her cat like reflexs
- Even the hangover crew wants in on the AnimeNEXT action
- It thief superstar Lupin the 3rd. Quick, hide Fujiko
- The idol Hatsune Miku is ready to rock the AnimeNEXT house
- It Food Network lateset show! Cooking with Iron Chef Deadpool
- The Halo Space Marines are where its at! Look at that suit
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