Hey there my Toonami generation and welcome to my first ever cosplay photo album for AnimeNEXT. These are the photo of some of the great cosplay I saw at AnimeNEXT 2012. I will be breaking these into several post as I have a lot of photo to share. Before we move on to the photo, I like to apologize for some of the blurriness of some of the photo as I used my digital camcorder and had it on auto, so the focus and lighting was getting messed up some time. Also, click the picture to get a larger view. So with that being said, here we go.
I don’t know what this is or who it suppose to be. i just know it looks cool!
The Doctor is IN! Doctor Who show off how he defeat Delelects with his Sonic Screwdriver. I think he here to find a new companion.
These two Pokemon Stylist show off their style Pokemon! That is a Pokemon right? I just know these two girls look good.
Here we have Stocking in her classic angel outfit. Beauty is a secret best kept in the shadows.
The beautiful Ariel here is living her wish a being “Part of our World”! I think Flounder there is a little dry and need to go back “Under the Sea”.
This pair of Panty and Stocking cosplay look so nice, I had to take their picture twice. One by themselves each and one with them together in these next three pictures. In the words of Tazz, “Let the pigeons loose!”
We have a Devo Cosplay!That atomaticly make this cosplay an instant epic win! Whip it good!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the newest assassin to the world, Spider-Man. It works for me!
And that is it for today, make sure you check back tomorrow for more pictures. So until next time my Toonami generation, Stay Golden.
Third picture down are from Princess Jellyfish, not Pokemon. Great show. Recommend you watch it sometime.
I have heard of the show, but only watched two episode which is why I probably didn’t recognize the characters. Thanks for letting me know!