Hey there my Toonami generation and welcome to a brand new episode of “Tom’s Prerogative”! On this episode we cover one of the top five anime of 2010! Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls! This Ecchi/Harem/Action anime wow people with it wonderful artistic style. But is this anime a one trick pony, or is there more to this anime thoroughbred? Only one way to find out and that to sit back and tune in as we Stay Gold!
Remember to leave comments on the post or by email at absolution132@yahoo.com. You can also follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/Matisleonhart and follow the new Absolution Network Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Absolution-Network/298640626851507?sk=wall Till next time Toonami faithful, Stay Golden!
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All song use in this podcast are used as part of fair use and are owned by there respective owners.
“Toonami Back Bitches” – Richie Branson
“Supernova Megamix” – DJ Clarcknova
“Last Vison for Last” – Faylan