Hey there my wrestling fans and welcome to what will be the last C. M. Jew’s Wrestling Reviews for at least a little while. Real life is giving me a superkick party that will never end and I have to take things back to basics to get myself back on track, and that means cutting things out of my life for the current time being and one of those is Podcasting. With that somber note out of the way, I make sure that this last one is as epic as epic can be as I’m join by my friends Zach and Gerald from Spideydude.com. We go over everything that happen over Wrestlemania weekend from NXT Takeover Dallas to Wrestlemania 32. So what was great and what failed for us? Only one way to find out and to tune in and remember that I’m the BEST JEW IN THE WORLD!
leave comments on the post or by email at AbsolutionNetwork132@gmail.com. You can also follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/Matisleonhart and follow the new Absolution Network Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Absolution-Network/298640626851507?sk=wall and on Stitcher at .Till next time wrestling faithful, Stay Golden!
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All song use in this podcast are used as part of fair use and are owned by there respective owners.
“Fly for a Rabbi” – Weird Al
“Susake Nakamura’s Theme” – NJPW
“Rising Sun” – WWE
“My House” – Flo Rida
“King Without a Crown” – Matisyahu